When John P. DeVito was in the tenth grade, he was sitting at a table in the cafeteria about to eat lunch with friends. It was pizza day. In the distance he made eye contact with the toughest, meanest bully in the grade. The bully started walking right in his direction. John tried not to look at the bully and grabbed his slice of pizza from his tray. And just as he was about to take the first bite, the bully leaned in. John flinched. The bully then took the first bite of his pizza as John was holding it in his hand and walked away. John just ate the crust that day. It was a humiliating moment he never forgot.
But it did motivate him to write a book about bullying.
John P. DeVito lives in New York City where he works as a Copywriter in advertising writing print, digital, social and out of home advertisements, as well as radio and television commercials. His copywriting has been recognized by numerous advertising award competitions winning GOLD at both the Clio awards and the Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity. He also won the industry’s prestigious One Show Pencil.
John has been married to his wife Paula for the past 18 years. When not writing, John enjoys piano playing, traveling and enjoying life.