Pixie's Parchment Paper
Patrick Shiner's four years in a Long Island high school are sheer hell. He is oppressed in mind and body by bully Bobby Rocco. Finally, he escapes to a college in upstate New York where he is delighted to meet high school beauty Paula Decker. In Creative Writing class, he exacts revenge on Bobby Rocco by describing vicious disasters that happen to him in college, only to discover that a reformed Bobby is indeed his new classmate and the disasters are all coming true. Back on Long Island during Christmas break, Patrick learns that the classwork pages of his Pixie Parchment Paper Notebook are infested with witchcraft and that Bobby is doomed to an early death. Patrick then races back upstate to confront the witch, the monstrous horse dogs that have seized control of the old town of Rhinebeck, and the evil forces that threaten Bobby's life.
Pixie's Parchment Paper is a story I wrote that was long in the making. I initially had the idea twenty years ago because I wanted to gain more awareness about the harmful effects bullying can have on someone. And this was a time when kids could escape his or her bully once the bell rang and school was dismissed for the day and they went home. But in today's modern world, largely because of social media and smartphones, there is no escape. In addition to being mentally and physically attacked in school, cyberbullying makes it nearly impossible for a child to get away from a bully. The digital world can be a harsh world to a victim of bullying.
Pixie's Parchment Paper is a fictitious story not just for young adults, it can be enjoyed by people older as well. Because we all were in high school at some point in our lives. This story is more than just about the harmful effects of bullying. There's a magical journey that awaits the reader, an adventure in its own.
No one forgets being bullied.